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Auction Calculator


Description: used to calculate taker amount and auction rate

Real world example#

import {AuctionCalculator} from '@1inch/fusion-sdk'
const limitOrderStruct = {    allowedSender: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',    interactions:        '0x000c004e200000000000000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705faf486570009',    maker: '0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa',    makerAsset: '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',    makingAmount: '1000000000000000000',    offsets: '0',    receiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',    salt: '45118768841948961586167738353692277076075522015101619148498725069326976558864',    takerAsset: '0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48',    takingAmount: '1420000000'}
const calculator = AuctionCalculator.fromLimitOrderV3Struct(limitOrderStruct)// #=> AuctionCalculator instance
const rate = calculator.calcRateBump(1673548209)// #=> 14285
const auctionTakingAmount = calculator.calcAuctionTakingAmount(    '1420000000',    rate)// #=> '1422028470'

static AuctionCalculator.fromLimitOrderV3Struct#

Description: used to create auction instance from limit order

Arguments: accepts LimitOrderV3Struct as an argument

NameTypeInner Solidity TypeDescription
saltstringuint256some unique value. It is necessary to be able to create limit orders with the same parameters (so that they have a different hash)
makerAssetstringaddressthe address of the asset user want to sell (address of a token contract)
takerAssetstringaddressthe address of the asset user want to buy (address of a token contract)
makerstringaddressthe address of the limit order creator
receiverstringaddressIf it contains a zero address, which means that taker asset will be sent to the address of the creator of the limit order. If user set any other value, then taker asset will be sent to the specified address
allowedSenderstringaddressIf it contains a zero address, which means that a limit order is available for everyone to fill. If user set any other value, then the limit order will be available for execution only for the specified address (private limit order)
makingAmountstringuint256amount of maker asset
takingAmountstringuint256amount of taker asset
offsetsstringuint256every 32's bytes represents offset of the n'ths interaction
interactionsstringbytesused to encode fusion specific data

Order.interactions suffix structure:

  • M*(1 + 3 bytes) - auction points coefficients with seconds delays
  • N*(4 + 20 bytes) - resolver with corresponding time limit
  • 4 bytes - public time limit (started from this point of time an order can be full filled by anyone)
  • 32 bytes - taking fee (optional if flags has _HAS_TAKING_FEE_FLAG)
  • 1 byte - flags


import {AuctionCalculator} from '@1inch/fusion-sdk'
const limitOrderStruct = {    allowedSender: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',    interactions:        '0x000c004e200000000000000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705faf486570009',    maker: '0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa',    makerAsset: '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',    makingAmount: '1000000000000000000',    offsets: '0',    receiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',    salt: '45118768841948961586167738353692277076075522015101619148498725069326976558864',    takerAsset: '0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48',    takingAmount: '1420000000'}
AuctionCalculator.fromLimitOrderV3Struct(limitOrderStruct)// #=> AuctionCalculator instance


Description: used to calculate exchange rate in some point of time. user can read more about it here

Arguments: time (unix timestamp)


Description: used to calculate taker amount


  • [0] takingAmount: string
  • [1] rate: number


Description: creates AuctionCalculator from suffix and salt



import {AuctionSuffix, AuctionSalt, AuctionCalculator} from '@1inch/fusion-sdk'
const suffix = AuctionSuffix.decode(    '0x000c004e200000000000000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705faf486570009')const salt = AuctionSalt.decode(    '45118768841948961586167738353692277076075522015101619148498725069326976558864')AuctionCalculator.fromAuctionData(suffix, salt)// #=> AuctionCalculator instance