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Auction Salt


Description: encapsulates:

  • auction start time
  • duration of an auction
  • initial rate bump
  • taker fee
  • salt (optional parameter to control entropy)


import {AuctionSalt} from '@1inch/fusion-sdk'
const salt = new AuctionSalt({    duration: 180 // in seconds,    auctionStartTime: 1673548149 // unix timestamp,    initialRateBump: 50000 // difference between max and min amount in percents, 10000000 = 100%    bankFee: '0' // in wei}) #=> '45118768841948961586167738353692277076075522015101619148498725069326976549864'

Or user can pass optional parameter in constructor to control entropy (be default we use randomInt 10000)

import {AuctionSalt} from '@1inch/fusion-sdk'
// your random generated stringconst saltString = myCustomRandFunction()
const salt = new AuctionSalt({    duration: 180 // in seconds,    auctionStartTime: 1673548149 // unix timestamp,    initialRateBump: 50000 // 10000000 = 100%    bankFee: '0' // in wei,    salt: saltString})

static AuctionSalt.decode#

Arguments: string

import {AuctionSalt} from '@1inch/fusion-sdk'
const salt = AuctionSalt.decode(    '45118768841948961586167738353692277076075522015101619148498725069326976549864')// #=> AuctionSalt