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Breaking changes in V3

Limit Order Protocol itself changes#

  • Now contract is pubshed to npm as @1inch/limit-order-protocol
  • Order struct has changed as following:

    struct Order {    uint256 salt;    address makerAsset;    address takerAsset;    address maker;    address receiver;    address allowedSender;  // equals to Zero address on public orders    uint256 makingAmount;    uint256 takingAmount;-   // Was in v2-   // bytes makerAssetData;-   // bytes takerAssetData;-   // bytes getMakingAmount; // this.staticcall(abi.encodePacked(bytes, swapTakerAmount)) => (swapMakerAmount)-   // bytes getTakingAmount; // this.staticcall(abi.encodePacked(bytes, swapMakerAmount)) => (swapTakerAmount)-   // bytes predicate;       // this.staticcall(bytes) => (bool)-   // bytes permit;          // On first fill:, permit.2))-   // bytes interaction;+   // Now in v3+   uint256 offsets;+   bytes interactions; // concat(makerAssetData, takerAssetData, getMakingAmount, getTakingAmount, predicate, permit, preIntercation, postInteraction)}

    where offset is bytes, where every 32's bytes represents offset of the n'ths interaction.

    Eg: for [2, 4, 6] offsets:

    (2n << 32n * 0n) + (4n << 32n * 1n) + (6n << 32n * 2n)// 0x000000060000000400000002

    See LimitOrderBuilder.joinStaticCalls() and LimitOrderBuilder.packInteractions() utils for help.

  • Order.interaction is now Order.postInteraction, as long as Order.preInteraction was added.
  • New arguments for fillOrder and fillOrderToWithPermit methods
    function fillOrderToWithPermit(    OrderLib.Order calldata order,    bytes calldata signature,+   bytes calldata interaction,    uint256 makingAmount,    uint256 takingAmount,-   uint256 thresholdAmount,+   uint256 skipPermitAndThresholdAmount,    address target,    bytes calldata permit)
    • interaction is pre-interaction in fact.
    • skipPermit is just 255'th byte of skipPermitAndThresholdAmount, when rest of bytes is thresholdAmount

      See fillLimitOrder(), fillOrderToWithPermit() and packSkipPermitAndThresholdAmount() utils methods and helpers.

  • Methods eq, lt, gt, nonceEquals no more have address arguments. Use arbitraryStaticCall instead in case if you need read value from different smartcontract.

limit-order-protocol-utils library changes:#

  • Now contract is pubshed to npm as @1inch/limit-order-protocol-utils

The LimitOrderProtocolFacade#

  • new chainId argument of LimitOrderProtocolFacade
    import import { ChainId } from '@1inch/limit-order-protocol-utils/model/limit-order-protocol.model';new LimitOrderProtocolFacade(    public readonly contractAddress: string,+   private readonly chainId: ChainId | number,    public readonly providerConnector: ProviderConnector,)
  • LimitOrderProtocolFacade.fillLimitOrder and fillOrderToWithPermit have more abilities now:

    fillOrderToWithPermit({    order,    signature,-   makerAmount,+   makingAmount,-   takerAmount,+   takingAmount,    thresholdAmount,    targetAddress,    permit,+   interaction = ZX,+   skipPermit = false,})
    • interaction is pre-interaction in fact.
    • skipPermit wether to skip maker's permit evaluation if it was evaluated before. Useful if multiple orders was created with same nonce. Tip: you can just check if allowance exsists and then set it to true.
  • simulateCalls(addresses[], calldatas[]): Promise<boolean> no more avaible.

  • simulate(address, calldata): Promise<{ success, rawResult }> was introduced insted, so you don't need catch block anymore.

The LimitOrderBuilder#

  • LimitOrderBuilder.buildLimitOrder have more abilities now:

    buildLimitOrder({    makerAssetAddress,    takerAssetAddress,    makerAddress,    receiver = ZERO_ADDRESS,-   takerAddress = ZERO_ADDRESS,+   allowedSender = ZERO_ADDRESS,-   makerAmount,+   makingAmount,-   takerAmount,+   takingAmount,    predicate = ZX,    permit = ZX,+   getMakingAmount,+   getTakingAmount,-   interaction = ZX,+   postInteraction = ZX,+   preInteraction = ZX,+   salt = this.generateSalt(),}: LimitOrderData)
  • LimitOrderPredicateBuilder.timestampBelowAndNonceEquals was added to reduce gas.
    -   const predicate = and(-       nonceEquals(-           walletAddress,-           currentNonce,-       ),-       timestampBelow(timestamp),-   );+   const predicate = timestampBelowAndNonceEquals(+       timestamp,+       currentNonce,+       walletAddress,+   );

The LimitOrderPredicateBuilder#

  • LimitOrderPredicateBuilder.arbitraryStaticCall was added to get values from other smartcontract.

  • LimitOrderPredicateBuilder members eq, lt, gt, nonceEquals no more have address arguments. Use arbitraryStaticCall instead in case if you need read value from different smartcontract. Eg:

    eq(    nonce,    arbitraryStaticCall(SIDE_NONCE_MANAGER_ADDRESS, callData),)

The SeriesNonceManagerFacade#

  • Was added to help you manage different groups of "cancel all" nonces