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Canceling a limit order

It is assumed that RFQ orders will be created with a short lifetime.
But, if it becomes necessary to cancel the created RFQ order, then this can be done as follows:


infostringinformation about an RFQ order (see above in section RFQ structure)

Creating with a typescript/javascript:#

import Web3 from 'web3';import {    LimitOrderProtocolFacade,    Web3ProviderConnector,    RFQOrder} from '@1inch/limit-order-protocol-utils';
const contractAddress = '0x7643b8c2457c1f36dc6e3b8f8e112fdf6da7698a';const walletAddress = '0xd337163ef588f2ee7cdd30a3387660019be415c9';
const web3 = new Web3('...');// You can create and use a custom provider connector (for example: ethers)const connector = new Web3ProviderConnector(web3);
const limitOrderProtocolFacade = new LimitOrderProtocolFacade(    contractAddress,    chainId,    connector,);
const RFQorder: RFQOrder = {...};
const callData = limitOrderProtocolFacade.cancelRFQOrder(;
// Send transaction for the RFQ order canceling// Must be implementedsendTransaction({    from: walletAddress,    gas: 50_000, // Set your gas limit    gasPrice: 600000000, // Set your gas price    to: contractAddress,    data: callData,});

Canceling via CLI (with arguments):#

gasPrice - in units of GWEI

npx limit-order-rfq-utils --\--operation=cancel \--chainId=56 \--privateKey={xxx} \--gasPrice=6 \--orderInfo=29941961886664662336741887180811

Canceling via CLI (through prompt):#

npx limit-order-rfq-utils

As result, you will receive a link to the transaction hash.