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Fill a limit order



orderLimitOrdera limit order structure. See Limit order structure
signatureLimitOrderSignaturesignature of a limit order
makingAmountstringamount of maker asset (in token units)
takingAmountstringamount of taker asset (in token units)
thresholdAmountstringthe threshold for the amount of received asset (in received asset units)
skipPermitbooleanShould makers permit be skipped during fill evaluation. See below.

Note: to fill a limit order, only one of the amounts must be specified, makingAmount or takingAmount.

The second one must be set to 0

Note on skipPermit#

Since v3 multiple valid orders may exist with same maker permit, while only first fill should evaluate maker's permit.

To manage this skipPermit option was added.


You can just check if allowance exists and then set skipPermit to true.

You can also estimate order with skipPermit: true and fallback to estimation with skipPermit: false as well.


import Web3 from 'web3';import {    LimitOrderProtocolFacade,    LimitOrder,    LimitOrderSignature,    Web3ProviderConnector} from '@1inch/limit-order-protocol-utils';
const walletAddress = '0xhhh...';const contractAddress = '0x5fa31604fc5dcebfcac2481f9fa59d174126e5e6';
const order: LimitOrder = {...};const signature: LimitOrderSignature = '...';
const makerAmount = '400000000';const takerAmount = '0';const thresholdAmount = '600000000';
const connector = new Web3ProviderConnector(new Web3('...'));const limitOrderProtocolFacade = new LimitOrderProtocolFacade(contractAddress, chainId, connector);
const callData = limitOrderProtocolFacade.fillLimitOrder({    order,    signature,    makingAmount,    takingAmount,    thresholdAmount,
    // interaction = ZX,    // skipPermit = false,});
sendTransaction({    from: walletAddress,    gas: 210_000, // Set your gas limit    gasPrice: 40000, // Set your gas price    to: contractAddress,    data: callData,});