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A limit order can contain one or more predicates that indicate the logic of its validity.
There are two types of predicate operators:

Conditional operators:#

andcombine several predicates, return true when all predicates are valid
orcombine several predicates, return true when one of predicates is valid

Comparative operators:#

All comparative operators have two arguments:

[comparative](value: string, calldata: string)

How the operators works:

  • On an operator call, the contract execute the calldata on the limit-order-protocol contract and compare a result with the value.
  • In case if you need to call method on third party contract use arbitraryStaticCall(targetAddress, calldata).
eqa result must be equal to the value
lta result must be less than the value
gta result must be greater than the value

Built-in operators:#


timestampBelowAndNonceEquals(    timestamp: number | bigint,    makerNonce: number | bigint,    makerAddress: string)

The predicate checks the same as and(timestampBelow(), nonceEquals()).

Gasless only!

For usual Limit Order and P2P use SeriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.timestampBelowAndNonceEquals(series, timestamp, nonce, maker) together with arbitraryStaticCall(target, calldata).
See examples below.


arbitraryStaticCall(    targetAddress: string | Facade,    calldata: string)

Allows to call methods on third party contracts.


const predicate = arbitraryStaticCall(    seriesContractAddress, // target third-party contract address    seriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.nonceEquals(), // calldata to execute on it);
// More convenient with facadeconst predicate = arbitraryStaticCall(    seriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.facade, // facade stores contract address as well    seriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.nonceEquals(), // same calldata);

Deprecated built-in operators:#


To save gas consider using one of

instead as it more optimal then separate and(timestampBelow(), nonceEquals()) calls.

  • nonceEquals

    nonceEquals(    makerAddress: string,    makerNonce: number | bigint)

    Gasless only!

    For usual Limit Order and P2P use SeriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.nonceEquals(…) together with arbitraryStaticCall(…).
    See examples below.

    The predicate checks that the makerNonce is equal to the nonce of makerAddress.

  • timestampBelow

    timestampBelow(timestamp: number | bigint)

    The predicate checks that timestamp (seconds integer) is greater than the current time.


Preparation code:

import Web3 from 'web3';import {    limirOrderProtocolAdresses,    seriesNonceManagerContractAddresses,    Erc20Facade,    LimitOrderBuilder,    LimitOrderProtocolFacade,    LimitOrderPredicateBuilder,    NonceSeriesV2,    SeriesNonceManagerFacade,    Web3ProviderConnector} from '@1inch/limit-order-protocol-utils';

const connector = new Web3ProviderConnector(new Web3('...'));const contractAddress = limirOrderProtocolAdresses[chainId];const seriesContractAddress = seriesNonceManagerContractAddresses[chainId];
const limitOrderProtocolFacade = new LimitOrderProtocolFacade(contractAddress, chainId, connector);const seriesNonceManagerFacade = new SeriesNonceManagerFacade(seriesContractAddress, chainId, connector);const seriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder = new SeriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder(seriesContractAddress, chainId, connector);const erc20Facade = new Erc20Facade(connector);const limitOrderPredicateBuilder = new LimitOrderPredicateBuilder(limitOrderProtocolFacade);
const {    or,    and,    timestampBelow,    nonceEquals,    timestampBelowAndNonceEquals,    gt,    lt,    eq,    arbitraryStaticCall,} = limitOrderPredicateBuilder;
// Example dataconst makerAddress = '0x5fa31604fc5dcebfcac2481f9fa59d174126e5e6';const makerAsset = '0xcc83bc1050244c98ac562f9faff408f069a137d7';const minimumAllowedBalance = 10;const expiration = 5444440000; // Some moment in futureconst currentNonce = 4;

Simple predicate for usual Limit-Order or P2P

// Because timestampBelowAndNonceEquals is method of another contract arbitraryStaticCall() is necessaryconst simpleLimitOrderPredicate: LimitOrderPredicateCallData = arbitraryStaticCall(    seriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.facade,    seriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.timestampBelowAndNonceEquals(        NonceSeriesV2.LimitOrderV3,        expiration,        nonce,        walletAddress,    ),);

Complex predicate for usual Limit-Order or P2P

const predicate = and(    // Because timestampBelowAndNonceEquals is method of another contract arbitraryStaticCall() is necessary    arbitraryStaticCall(        seriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.facade,        seriesNonceManagerPredicateBuilder.timestampBelowAndNonceEquals(            NonceSeriesV2.LimitOrderV3,            expiration,            nonce,            walletAddress,        ),    ),    gt(        minimumAllowedBalance,        arbitraryStaticCall(            makerAsset, // target address. Token contract in this case            erc20Facade.balanceOf(                makerAsset,                walletAddress,            )        )    ),);

Simple predicate for Gasless order

const simplePredicate: LimitOrderPredicateCallData = timestampBelowAndNonceEquals(    expiration,    currentNonce,    makerAddress,);

Complex predicate for Gasless order

const balanceOfCalldata = arbitraryStaticCall(    makerAsset, // target address. Token contract in this case    erc20Facade.balanceOf(        makerAsset,        walletAddress,    ));const complexPredicate: LimitOrderPredicateCallData = or(    and(        timestampBelowAndNonceEquals(            expiration,            currentNonce,            makerAddress,        ),        gt('10', makerAsset, balanceOfCalldata),    ),    or(        timestampBelow(expiration),        lt('20', makerAsset, balanceOfCalldata),    ),    eq('30', makerAsset, balanceOfCalldata),);