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Limit order structure

FieldTypeInner Solidity typeDescription
saltstringuint256some unique value. It is necessary to be able to create limit orders with the same parameters (so that they have a different hash)
makerAssetstringaddressthe address of the asset you want to sell (address of a token contract)
takerAssetstringaddressthe address of the asset you want to buy (address of a token contract)
makerstringaddressthe address of the limit order creator
receiverstringaddressby default contains a zero address, which means that taker asset will be sent to the address of the creator of the limit order. If you set a value, then taker asset will be sent to the specified address
allowedSenderstringaddressby default contains a zero address, which means that a limit order is available for everyone to fill. If you set a value, then the limit order will be available for execution only for the specified address (private limit order)
makingAmountstringuint256amount of maker asset
takingAmountstringuint256amount of taker asset
interactionsstringbyteshex bytes string with interactions meta fields
concat(makerAssetData, takerAssetData, getMakingAmount, getTakingAmount, predicate, permit, preIntercation, postInteraction)
offsetsstringuint256every 32's bytes represents offset of the n'ths interaction

interactions meta fields

IndexFieldTypeInner Solidity typeDescription
0makerAssetDatastringbytesthe technical info about a maker asset and its amount
1takerAssetDatastringbytesthe technical info about a taker asset and its amount
2getMakingAmountstringbytestechnical information to get the amount of the maker asset
3getTakingAmountstringbytestechnical information to get the amount of the taker asset
4predicatestringbytesa predicate call data. See more Predicate docs
5permitstringbytesa permit (EIP-2612) call data. Could be built using utility library
6preInteractionstringbytesWhat to do before the transfer. A call data for InteractiveNotificationReceiver. See more Interaction receiver docs
7postInteractionstringbytesWhat tot do after the transfer has been made. a call data for InteractiveNotificationReceiver. See more Interaction receiver docs


await new LimitOrderBuilder(...).buildLimitOrder({    makerAssetAddress: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000A',    takerAssetAddress: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000B',    makerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',    receiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002',    allowedSender: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003',    makingAmount: '100',    takingAmount: '200',    getMakingAmount: '0x11',    getTakingAmount: '0x2222',    predicate: '0x333333',    permit: '0x44444444',    preInteraction: '0x5555555555',    postInteraction: '0x666666666666',});
// {//     salt: '390590399942',//     makerAsset: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000A',//     takerAsset: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000B',//     maker: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',//     receiver: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002',//     allowedSender: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003',//     makingAmount: '100',//     takingAmount: '200',//     offsets: '566158880104319961733422544660299808878295192710391671368140609028096',//     interactions: '0x112222333333444444445555555555666666666666'// }

Where the each offset is iteration bytes offset:

// interactions: '0x112222333333444444445555555555666666666666'//                  ^ ^   ^     ^       ^         ^          ^//                  1 2   4     7       11        16         21
// Note: offset is bytes offset. Not a hex offset.// // > Buffer.from('112222333333444444445555555555666666666666', 'hex')// <Buffer 11 22 22 33 33 33 44 44 44 44 55 55 55 55 55 66 66 66 66 66 66>//         ^  ^     ^        ^           ^              ^              ^//         1  2     4        7           11             16             21
(0n << (0n))                // makerAssetData, length: 0, start: 0, end:  0    + (0n << (32n * 1n))    // takerAssetData, length: 0, start:  0, end: 0    + (1n << (32n * 2n))    // getMakingAmount, length: 1, start: 0, end: 1    + (3n << (32n * 3n))    // getTakingAmount, length: 2, start: 2, end: 3    + (6n << (32n * 4n))    // predicate, length: 3, start: 4, end: 6    + (10n << (32n * 5n))   // permit, length: 4, start: 7, end: 10    + (15n << (32n * 6n))   // preInteraction, length: 5, start: 11, end: 15    + (21n << (32n * 7n))   // postInteraction, length: 6, start: 16, end: 21===566158880104319961733422544660299808878295192710391671368140609028096===0x150000000f0000000a0000000600000003000000010000000000000000// ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^// 21      15      10      6       3       1       0