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Filling a RFQ order

A RFQ order can be filled in whole or in part.

Important! You can fill in a RFQ order only once!


orderstructure of the RFQ order (see [RFQ order structure] ( ./docs/limit-order-rfq-structure))
signaturesignature of the typed date of the RFQ order (signTypedData_v4)
makerAmountthe number of maker asset tokens that you want to fill (in token units). For example: 5 DAI = 5000000000000000000 units
takerAmountthe number of taker asset tokens that you want to fill (in token units). For example: 5 DAI = 5000000000000000000 units

important! Only one of the assets amounts can be not zero. For example, if you specified the maker amount, then the taker amount must be zero and vice versa.

Filling with a typescript/javascript:#

import Web3 from 'web3';import {    LimitOrderBuilder,    LimitOrderProtocolFacade,    RFQOrder,    Web3ProviderConnector} from '@1inch/limit-order-protocol-utils';
const contractAddress = '0x7643b8c2457c1f36dc6e3b8f8e112fdf6da7698a';const walletAddress = '0xd337163ef588f2ee7cdd30a3387660019be415c9';
const web3 = new Web3('...');// You can create and use a custom provider connector (for example: ethers)const connector = new Web3ProviderConnector(web3);
const limitOrderBuilder = new LimitOrderBuilder(    contractAddress,    chainId,    connector);
const limitOrderProtocolFacade = new LimitOrderProtocolFacade(    contractAddress,    chainId,    connector,);
const RFQorder: RFQOrder = {...};
const typedData = limitOrderBuilder.buildRFQOrderTypedData(RFQorder);const signature = await limitOrderBuilder.buildOrderSignature(    walletAddress,    typedData);const makerAmount = '1000000000000000000';const takerAmount = '0';
const callData = limitOrderProtocolFacade.fillRFQOrder(    order,    signature,    makerAmount,    takerAmount);
// Send transaction for the order RFQ filling// Must be implementedsendTransaction({    from: walletAddress,    gas: 150_000, // Set your gas limit    gasPrice: 600000000, // Set your gas price    to: contractAddress,    data: callData,});

Filling via CLI (with arguments):#

gasPrice - in units of GWEI

npx limit-order-rfq-utils --\--operation=fill \--chainId=56 \--privateKey={xxx} \--gasPrice=6 \--order="{ \    \"info\": \"29941961886664662336741887180811\", \    \"makerAsset\": \"0x111111111117dc0aa78b770fa6a738034120c302\", \    \"takerAsset\": \"0x1af3f329e8be154074d8769d1ffa4ee058b1dbc3\", \    \"makerAssetData\": \"0x23b872dd00...000\", \    \"takerAssetData\": \"0x23b872dd00...000\" \}" \--makerAmount=1000000000000000000 \--takerAmount=0

Filling via CLI (through prompt):#

npx limit-order-rfq-utils

As result, you will receive a link to the transaction hash.